Anyway, on the whole we didn't see much water other than the below few pictures. It was steadily creeping into the area in the picture though, as we noted the water level rise while we were in a 3 hour meeting...
Right inside the gate is a 2 foot concrete wall that was just poured to keep the water out of the front door. A lot of convenience stores also had these.
The demand for sandbags has sky rocketed there, apparently there was a shortage early on.
We did get to try a new type of dining (for me anyway). Below are a few pictures of the seafood market that we had dinner at.
First step: select your food. Main items available were seafood and vegetables. You put everything in your cart and then specify how you want each thing cooked.
Picture of the open kitchen.
What the heck is this? No, sadly, we didn't get one.